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aws_ecs_task_definition Resource

Use the aws_ecs_task_definition InSpec audit resource to test the properties of a single ECS task definition.

For additional information, including details on parameters and properties, see the AWS ECS task definition documentation.


This resource is available in the Chef InSpec AWS resource pack.

For information on configuring your AWS environment for Chef InSpec and creating an InSpec profile that uses the InSpec AWS resource pack, see the Chef InSpec documentation on the AWS cloud platform.


Ensure that a task definition exists.

describe aws_ecs_task_definition(task_definition: 'TASK_DEFINITION') do
  it { should exist }


task_definition (required)

The full task definition description. Specified as just the family, which targets the latest active revision, or family:revision for a specific revision number of a family, or the full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition.


The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition.

Field: task_definition_arn

A list of container definitions in JSON format that describe the different containers that make up your task.

Field: container_definitions

container_definitions (name)
The name of a container.

Field: container_definitions_names

container_definitions (image)
The image used to start a container.

Field: container_definitions_images

container_definitions (repository_credentials)
The private repository authentication credentials to use.

Field: container_definitions_repository_credentials

container_definitions (repository_credentials (credentials_parameter))
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret containing the private repository credentials.

Field: container_definitions_repository_credentials_credentials_parameters

container_definitions (cpu)
The number of CPU units reserved for the container.

Field: container_definitions_cpus

container_definitions (memory)
The amount (in MiB) of memory to present to the container.

Field: container_definitions_memories

container_definitions (memory_reservation)
The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container.

Field: container_definitions_memory_reservations

container_definitions (links)
The links parameter allows containers to communicate with each other without the need for port mappings.

Field: container_definitions_links

container_definitions (port_mappings)
The list of port mappings for the container.

Field: container_definitions_port_mappings

container_definitions (port_mappings (container_port))
The port number on the container that is bound to the user-specified or automatically assigned host port.

Field: container_definitions_port_mappings_container_ports

container_definitions (port_mappings (host_port))
The port number on the container instance to reserve for your container.

Field: container_definitions_port_mappings_host_ports

container_definitions (port_mappings (protocol))
The protocol used for the port mapping. Valid values are tcp and udp. Default value: tcp.

Field: container_definitions_port_mappings_protocols

container_definitions (essential)
If the essential parameter of a container is marked as true, and that container fails or stops for any reason, all other containers that are part of the task are stopped. If the essential parameter of a container is marked as false, then its failure does not affect the rest of the containers in a task. If this parameter is omitted, a container is assumed to be essential.

Field: container_definitions_essentials

container_definitions (entry_point)
The entry point that is passed to the container.

Field: container_definitions_entry_points

container_definitions (command)
The command that is passed to the container.

Field: container_definitions_commands

container_definitions (environment)
The environment variables to pass to a container.

Field: container_definitions_environments

container_definitions (environment (name))
The name of the key-value pair.

Field: container_definitions_environments_names

container_definitions (environment (value))
The value of the key-value pair.

Field: container_definitions_environments_values

container_definitions (environment_files)
A list of files containing the environment variables to pass to a container.

Field: container_definitions_environment_files

container_definitions (environment_files (value)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon S3 object containing the environment variable file.

Field: container_definitions_environment_files_values

container_definitions (environment_files (type)
The file type to use. The only supported value is s3.

Field: container_definitions_environment_files_types

container_definitions (mount_points)
The mount points for data volumes in your container.

Field: container_definitions_mount_points

container_definitions (mount_points (source_volume))
The name of the volume to mount. Must be a volume name referenced in the name parameter of task definition volume.

Field: container_definitions_mount_points_source_volumes

container_definitions (mount_points (container_path))
The path on the container to mount the host volume at.

Field: container_definitions_mount_points_container_paths

container_definitions (mount_points (read_only))
If this value is true, the container has read-only access to the volume. If this value is false, then the container can write to the volume. The default value is false.

Field: container_definitions_mount_points_read_only

container_definitions (volumes_from)
Data volumes to mount from another container.

Field: container_definitions_volumes_froms

container_definitions (volumes_from (source_container))
The name of another container within the same task definition from which to mount volumes.

Field: container_definitions_volumes_froms_source_containers

container_definitions (volumes_from (read_only))
If this value is true, the container has read-only access to the volume. If this value is false, then the container can write to the volume. The default value is false.

Field: container_definitions_volumes_froms_read_only

container_definitions (linux_parameters)
Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Linux kernel capabilities.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters

container_definitions (linux_parameters (capabilities))
The Linux capabilities for the container that are added to or dropped from the default configuration provided by Docker.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_capabilities

container_definitions (linux_parameters (capabilities (add)))
The Linux capabilities for the container that have been added to the default configuration provided by Docker.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_capabilities_adds

container_definitions (linux_parameters (capabilities (drop)))
The Linux capabilities for the container that have been removed from the default configuration provided by Docker.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_capabilities_drops

container_definitions (linux_parameters (devices))
Any host devices to expose to the container.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_capabilities_devices

container_definitions (linux_parameters (devices (host_path)))
The path for the device on the host container instance.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_capabilities_devices_host_paths

container_definitions (linux_parameters (devices (container_path)))
The path inside the container at which to expose the host device.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_capabilities_devices_container_paths

container_definitions (linux_parameters (devices (permissions)))
The explicit permissions to provide to the container for the device. By default, the container has permissions for read, write, and mknod for the device.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_capabilities_devices_permissions

container_definitions (linux_parameters (init_process_enabled))
Run an init process inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes. This parameter maps to the --init option to docker run.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_init_process_enabled

container_definitions (linux_parameters (shared_memory_size)
The value for the size (in MiB) of the /dev/shm volume. This parameter maps to the --shm-size option to docker run.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_shared_memory_sizes

container_definitions (linux_parameters (tmpfs)
The container path, mount options, and size (in MiB) of the tmpfs mount. This parameter maps to the --tmpfs option to docker run.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_tmpfs

container_definitions (linux_parameters (tmpfs (container_path))
The absolute file path where the tmpfs volume is to be mounted.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_tmpfs_container_paths

container_definitions (linux_parameters (tmpfs (size))
The maximum size (in MiB) of the tmpfs volume.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_tmpfs_sizes

container_definitions (linux_parameters (tmpfs (mount_options))
The list of tmpfs volume mount options.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_tmpfs_mount_options

container_definitions (linux_parameters (max_swap))
The total amount of swap memory (in MiB) a container can use.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_max_swaps

container_definitions (linux_parameters (swappiness))
This allows you to tune a container’s memory swappiness behavior.

Field: container_definitions_linux_parameters_swappiness

container_definitions (secrets)
The secrets to pass to the container.

Field: container_definitions_secrets

container_definitions (secrets (name))
The name of the secret.

Field: container_definitions_secrets_names

container_definitions (secrets (value_from))
The secret to expose to the container.

Field: container_definitions_secrets_value_froms

container_definitions (depends_on)
The dependencies defined for container startup and shutdown.

Field: container_definitions_depends_on

container_definitions (depends_on (container_name))
The name of a container.

Field: container_definitions_depends_on_container_names

container_definitions (depends_on (condition))
The dependency condition of the container.

Field: container_definitions_depends_on_conditions

container_definitions (start_timeout)
Time duration (in seconds) to wait before giving up on resolving dependencies for a container.

Field: container_definitions_start_timeouts

container_definitions (stop_timeout)
Time duration (in seconds) to wait before the container is forcefully killed if it doesn’t exit normally on its own.

Field: container_definitions_stop_timeouts

container_definitions (hostname)
The hostname to use for your container.

Field: container_definitions_hostnames

container_definitions (user)
The user to use inside the container.

Field: container_definitions_users

container_definitions (working_directory)
The working directory in which to run commands inside the container.

Field: container_definitions_working_directories

container_definitions (disable_networking)
When this parameter is true, networking is disabled within the container.

Field: container_definitions_disable_networkings

container_definitions (privileged)
When this parameter is true, the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance (similar to the root user).

Field: container_definitions_privilegeds

container_definitions (readonly_root_filesystem)
When this parameter is true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system. This parameter maps to ReadonlyRootfs in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the --read-only option to docker run.

Field: container_definitions_readonly_root_filesystems

container_definitions (dns_servers)
A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container.

Field: container_definitions_dns_servers

container_definitions (dns_search_domains)
A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container.

Field: container_definitions_dns_search_domains

container_definitions (extra_hosts)
A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the /etc/hosts file on the container.

Field: container_definitions_extra_hosts

container_definitions (extra_hosts (hostname))
The hostname to use in the /etc/hosts entry.

Field: container_definitions_extra_hosts_hostnames

container_definitions (extra_hosts (ip_address))
The IP address to use in the /etc/hosts entry.

Field: container_definitions_extra_hosts_ip_addresses

container_definitions (docker_security_options)
A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems. This field is not valid for containers in tasks using the Fargate launch type.

Field: container_definitions_docker_security_options

container_definitions (interactive)
When this parameter is true, this allows you to deploy containerized applications that require stdin or a tty to be allocated. This parameter maps to OpenStdin in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the –interactive option to docker run.

Field: container_definitions_interactives

container_definitions (pseudo_terminal)
When this parameter is true, a TTY is allocated. This parameter maps to Tty in the Create a container section of the Docker Remote API and the –tty option to docker run.

Field: container_definitions_pseudo_terminals

container_definitions (docker_labels)
A key/value map of labels to add to the container.

Field: container_definitions_docker_labels

container_definitions (ulimits)
The ulimit settings to pass to the container.

Field: container_definitions_ulimits

container_definitions (ulimits (name))
The type of the ulimit.

Field: container_definitions_ulimits_names

container_definitions (ulimits (soft_limit))
The soft limit for the ulimit type.

Field: container_definitions_ulimits_soft_limits

container_definitions (ulimits (hard_limit))
The hard limit for the ulimit type.

Field: container_definitions_ulimits_hard_limits

container_definitions (log_configuration)
The log configuration specification for the container.

Field: container_definitions_log_configurations

container_definitions (log_configuration (log_driver))
The log driver to use for the container.

Field: container_definitions_log_configurations_log_drivers

container_definitions (log_configuration (options))
The configuration options to send to the log driver.

Field: container_definitions_log_configurations_options

container_definitions (log_configuration (secret_options))
The secrets to pass to the log configuration.

Field: container_definitions_log_configurations_secret_options

container_definitions (log_configuration (secret_options (name)))
The name of the secret.

Field: container_definitions_log_configurations_secret_options_names

container_definitions (log_configuration (secret_options (value_from)))
The secret to expose to the container. The supported values are either the full ARN of the AWS Secrets Manager secret or the full ARN of the parameter in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

Field: container_definitions_log_configurations_secret_value_froms

container_definitions (health_check)
The container health check command and associated configuration parameters for the container.

Field: container_definitions_health_checks

container_definitions (health_check (command))
A string array representing the command that the container runs to determine if it is healthy.

Field: container_definitions_health_checks_commands

container_definitions (health_check (interval))
The time period in seconds between each health check execution.

Field: container_definitions_health_checks_intervals

container_definitions (health_check (timeout))
The time period in seconds to wait for a health check to succeed before it is considered a failure.

Field: container_definitions_health_checks_timeouts

container_definitions (health_check (retries))
The number of times to retry a failed health check before the container is considered unhealthy.

Field: container_definitions_health_checks_retries

container_definitions (health_check (start_period))
The optional grace period within which to provide containers time to bootstrap before failed health checks count towards the maximum number of retries.

Field: container_definitions_health_checks_start_periods

container_definitions (system_controls)
A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container.

Field: container_definitions_system_controls

container_definitions (system_controls (namespace))
The namespaced kernel parameter for which to set a value.

Field: container_definitions_system_controls_namespaces

container_definitions (system_controls (value))
The value for the namespaced kernel parameter specified in namespace.

Field: container_definitions_system_controls_values

container_definitions (resource_requirements)
The type and amount of a resource to assign to a container.

Field: container_definitions_resource_requirements

container_definitions (resource_requirements (value))
The value for the specified resource type.

Field: container_definitions_resource_requirements_values

container_definitions (resource_requirements (type))
The type of resource to assign to a container.

Field: container_definitions_resource_requirements_types

container_definitions (firelens_configuration)
The FireLens configuration for the container.

Field: container_definitions_firelens_configurations

container_definitions (firelens_configuration (type))
The log router to use. The valid values are fluentd or fluentbit.

Field: container_definitions_firelens_configurations_types

container_definitions (firelens_configuration (options))
The options to use when configuring the log router.

Field: container_definitions_firelens_configurations_options

The name of a family that this task definition is registered to.

Field: family

The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role.

Field: task_role_arn

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task execution role that grants the Amazon ECS container.

Field: execution_role_arn

The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task. The valid values are none, bridge, awsvpc, and host.

Field: network_mode

The revision of the task in a particular family.

Field: revision

The list of data volume definitions for the task.

Field: volumes

volumes (name)
The name of the volume.

Field: volumes_names

volumes (host)
The host of the volume.

Field: volumes_hosts

volumes (host (source_path))
The source path of the volume.

Field: volumes_source_paths

volumes (docker_volume_configuration)
This parameter is specified when you are using Docker volumes.

Field: volumes_docker_volume_configurations

volumes (docker_volume_configuration (scope))
The scope for the Docker volume that determines its lifecycle.

Field: volumes_docker_volume_configuration_scopes

volumes (docker_volume_configuration (autoprovision))
If this value is true, the Docker volume is created if it does not already exist.

Field: volumes_docker_volume_configuration_autoprovisions

volumes (docker_volume_configuration (driver))
The Docker volume driver to use.

Field: volumes_docker_volume_configuration_drivers

volumes (docker_volume_configuration (driver_opts))
A map of Docker driver-specific options passed through.

Field: volumes_docker_volume_configuration_driver_opts

volumes (docker_volume_configuration (labels))
Custom metadata to add to your Docker volume.

Field: volumes_docker_volume_configuration_labels

volumes (efs_volume_configuration)
This parameter is specified when you are using an Amazon Elastic File System file system for task storage.

Field: volumes_efs_volume_configurations

volumes (efs_volume_configuration (file_system_id))
The Amazon EFS file system ID to use.

Field: volumes_efs_volume_configuration_file_system_ids

volumes (efs_volume_configuration (root_directory))
The directory within the Amazon EFS file system to mount as the root directory inside the host.

Field: volumes_efs_volume_configuration_root_directories

volumes (efs_volume_configuration (transit_encryption))
Whether or not to enable encryption for Amazon EFS data in transit between the Amazon ECS host and the Amazon EFS server. Transit encryption must be enabled if Amazon EFS IAM authorization is used.

Field: volumes_efs_volume_configuration_transit_encryptions

volumes (efs_volume_configuration (transit_encryption_port))
The port to use when sending encrypted data between the Amazon ECS host and the Amazon EFS server.

Field: volumes_efs_volume_configuration_transit_encryption_ports

volumes (efs_volume_configuration (authorization_config)
The authorization configuration details for the Amazon EFS file system.

Field: volumes_efs_volume_configuration_authorization_configs

volumes (efs_volume_configuration (authorization_config (access_point_id))
The Amazon EFS access point ID to use.

Field: volumes_efs_volume_configuration_authorization_config_access_point_ids

volumes (efs_volume_configuration (authorization_config (iam))
The Amazon EFS IAM to use.

Field: volumes_efs_volume_configuration_authorization_config_iams

volumes (fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configuration)
This parameter is specified when you are using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system for task storage.

Field: volumes_fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configurations

volumes (fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configuration (file_system_id))
The Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system ID to use.

Field: volumes_fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configurations_file_system_ids

volumes (fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configuration (root_directory))
The directory within the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system to mount as the root directory inside the host.

Field: volumes_fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configurations_root_directories

volumes (fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configuration (authorization_config))
The authorization configuration details for the Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.

Field: volumes_fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configurations_authorization_configs

volumes (fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configuration (authorization_config (credentials_parameter)))
The authorization credential option to use.

Field: volumes_fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configurations_authorization_configs_credentials_parameters

volumes (fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configuration (authorization_config (domain)))
A fully qualified domain name hosted by an AWS Directory Service Managed Microsoft AD (Active Directory) or self-hosted AD on Amazon EC2.

Field: volumes_fsx_windows_file_server_volume_configurations_authorization_configs_domains

The status of the task definition.

Field: status

The container instance attributes required by your task.

Field: requires_attributes

requires_attributes (name)
The name of the attribute.

Field: requires_attributes_names

requires_attributes (value)
The value of the attribute.

Field: requires_attributes_values

requires_attributes (target_type)
The type of the target with which to attach the attribute.

Field: requires_attributes_target_types

requires_attributes (target_id)
The ID of the target.

Field: requires_attributes_targets

An array of placement constraint objects to use for tasks.

Field: placement_constraints

placement_constraints (type)
The type of constraint.

Field: placement_constraints_types

placement_constraints (expression)
The expression of constraint.

Field: placement_constraints_expressions

The task launch types the task definition validated against during task definition registration.

Field: compatibilities

The task launch types the task definition was validated against.

Field: FieldName

The number of CPU units used by the task.

Field: cpu

The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task.

Field: memory

The Elastic Inference accelerator associated with the task.

Field: inference_accelerators

inference_accelerators (device_name)
The Elastic Inference accelerator device name.

Field: inference_accelerators_device_names

inference_accelerators (device_type)
The Elastic Inference accelerator type to use.

Field: inference_accelerators_device_types

The process namespace to use for the containers in the task. The valid values are host or task.

Field: pid_mode

The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task. The valid values are host, task, or none.

Field: ipc_mode

The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.

Field: proxy_configuration

proxy_configuration (type)
The proxy type. The only supported value is APPMESH.

Field: proxy_configuration_types

proxy_configuration (container_name)
The name of the container that will serve as the App Mesh proxy.

Field: proxy_configuration_container_names

proxy_configuration (properties)
The set of network configuration parameters to provide the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin, specified as key-value pairs.

Field: proxy_configuration_properties

proxy_configuration (properties (name))
The name of the key-value pair.

Field: proxy_configuration_properties_names

proxy_configuration (properties (value))
The value of the key-value pair.

Field: proxy_configuration_properties_values

The tags of the task definition.

Field: tags


Ensure a task definition ARN is available.

describe aws_ecs_task_definition(task_definition: 'TASK_DEFINITION') do
  its('task_definition_arn') { should eq 'arn:aws:ecs:REGION:AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:task-definition/TASK_DEFINITION_ID' }

Verify the amount of memory for a task definition.

describe aws_ecs_task_definition(task_definition: 'TASK_DEFINITION') do
    its('memory') { should eq 500 }

Verify the name of a task definition.

describe aws_ecs_task_definition(task_definition: 'TASK_DEFINITION') do
    its('container_definitions_names') { should include 'Task_Definition_Container_Name' }    

Verify the cpu of a task definition.

describe aws_ecs_task_definition(task_definition: 'TASK_DEFINITION') do
    its('container_definitions_cpus') { should include 10 }


This Chef InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, see our Universal Matchers page.

The controls will pass if the describe method returns at least one result.


Use should to test that the entity exists.

describe aws_ecs_task_definition(task_definition: 'TASK_DEFINITION') do
  it { should exist }

Use should_not to test the entity does not exist.

describe aws_ecs_task_definition(task_definition: 'TASK_DEFINITION') do
  it { should_not exist }


Use should to check if the task definition is available.

describe aws_ecs_task_definition(task_definition: 'TASK_DEFINITION') do
  it { should be_available }

AWS Permissions

Your Principal will need the ECS:Client:DescribeTaskDefinitionResponse action with Effect set to Allow.

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