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aws_iam_instance_profile Resource

Use the aws_iam_instance_profile InSpec audit resource to test properties of a single IAM instance profile.

This resource retrieves information about the specified instance profile, including the instance profile’s path, GUID, ARN, and role.

For additional information, including details on parameters and properties, see the AWS documentation on IAM Instance Profile.


This resource is available in the Chef InSpec AWS resource pack.

For information on configuring your AWS environment for Chef InSpec and creating an InSpec profile that uses the InSpec AWS resource pack, see the Chef InSpec documentation on the AWS cloud platform.


Ensure that a instance profile name exists.

describe aws_iam_instance_profile(instance_profile_name: 'INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME') do
  it { should exist }


instance_profile_name (required)


The path to the instance profile.
The name identifying the instance profile.
The stable and unique string identifying the instance profile.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the instance profile.
The date when the instance profile was created.
roles (path)
The path to the role.
roles (role_name)
The friendly name that identifies the role.
roles (role_id)
The stable and unique string identifying the role.
roles (arn)
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the role.
roles (create_date)
The date and time, in ISO 8601 date-time format, when the role was created.
roles (assume_role_policy_document)
The policy that grants an entity permission to assume the role.
roles (description)
A description of the role that you provide.
roles (max_session_duration)
The maximum session duration (in seconds) for the specified role. Anyone who uses the AWS CLI, or API to assume the role can specify the duration using the optional DurationSeconds API parameter or duration-seconds CLI parameter.
roles (permissions_boundary (permissions_boundary_type))
The permissions boundary usage type that indicates what type of IAM resource is used as the permissions boundary for an entity. This data type can only have a value of Policy .
roles (permissions_boundary (permissions_boundary_arn))
The ARN of the policy used to set the permissions boundary for the user or role.
roles (tags (key))
The key name that can be used to look up or retrieve the associated value. For example, Department or Cost Center are common choices.
roles (tags (value))
The value associated with this tag. For example, tags with a key name of Department could have values such as Human Resources , Accounting , and Support . Tags with a key name of Cost Center might have values that consist of the number associated with the different cost centers in your company. Typically, many resources have tags with the same key name but with different values.
roles (role_last_used (last_used_date))
The date and time, in ISO 8601 date-time format that the role was last used.
roles (role_last_used (region))
The name of the AWS Region in which the role was last used.


Ensure a instance profile name is available.

describe aws_iam_instance_profile(instance_profile_name: 'INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME') do
  its('instance_profile_name') { should eq 'INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME' }

Ensure that an arn is available.

describe aws_iam_instance_profile(instance_profile_name: 'INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME') do
    its('arn') { should eq 'INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME_ARN' }


This Chef InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, see our Universal Matchers page.

This resource has the following special matchers.


Use should to test that the entity exists.

describe aws_iam_instance_profile(instance_profile_name: 'INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME') do
  it { should exist }

Use should_not to test the entity does not exist.

describe aws_iam_instance_profile(instance_profile_name: 'INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME') do
  it { should_not exist }


Use should to check if the instance profile name is available.

describe aws_iam_instance_profile(instance_profile_name: 'INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME') do
  it { should be_available }

AWS Permissions

Your Principal will need the IAM:Client:GetInstanceProfileResponse action with Effect set to Allow.

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