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aws_network_firewall_firewall_policies Resource

Use the aws_network_firewall_firewall_policies InSpec audit resource to test properties of multiple AWS Network Firewall Policy.

The firewall defines the configuration settings for an AWS Network Firewall firewall. The settings include the firewall policy, the subnets in your VPC to use for the firewall endpoints, and any tags that are attached to the firewall AWS resource.

For additional information, including details on parameters and properties, see the AWS documentation on AWS Network Firewall Policy.


This resource is available in the Chef InSpec AWS resource pack.

For information on configuring your AWS environment for Chef InSpec and creating an InSpec profile that uses the InSpec AWS resource pack, see the Chef InSpec documentation on the AWS cloud platform.


Ensure that the policy exists.

describe aws_network_firewall_firewall_policies do
  it { should exist }


This resource does not require any parameters.


The descriptive name of the firewall.

Field: firewall_name

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall.

Field: firewall_arn


Ensure a policy name is available.

describe aws_network_firewall_firewall_policies do
  its('names') { should include 'FIREWALL_NAME' }

Ensure that the policy arn is available.

describe aws_network_firewall_firewall_policies do
    its('arns') { should include 'POLICY_ARN' }


This Chef InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, see our Universal Matchers page.

The controls will pass if the List method returns at least one result.


Use should to test that the entity exists.

describe aws_network_firewall_firewall_policies do
  it { should exist }

Use should_not to test the entity does not exist.

describe aws_network_firewall_firewall_policies do
  it { should_not exist }

AWS Permissions

Your Principal will need the NetworkFirewall:Client:ListFirewallPoliciesResponse action with Effect set to Allow.

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