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aws_transfer_user Resource

Use the aws_transfer_user InSpec audit resource to test properties of a single Transfer user.

For additional information, including details on parameters and properties, see the AWS documentation on Transfer user.


This resource is available in the Chef InSpec AWS resource pack.

For information on configuring your AWS environment for Chef InSpec and creating an InSpec profile that uses the InSpec AWS resource pack, see the Chef InSpec documentation on the AWS cloud platform.


Ensure that a Transfer user exists.

describe aws_transfer_user(server_id: "SERVER_ID", user_name: 'USER_NAME') do
  it { should exist }


server_id (required)

The system-assigned unique identifier for a server that this user has been assigned to.

user_name (required)

The name of the user assigned to one or more servers.


The system-assigned unique identifier for a server that this user has been assigned to.
user (home_directory)
The landing directory for a user when they log in to the server using the client.
user (home_directory_mappings)
Logical directory mappings that specify what S3 paths and keys should be visible to your user and how you want to make them visible.
user (home_directory_mappings (entry))
The entry for HomeDirectoryMappings.
user (home_directory_mappings (target))
The map target that is used in a HomeDirectorymapEntry.
user (home_directory_type)
The type of landing directory you want your users’ home directory to be when they log into the server.
user (policy)
A scope-down policy for your user so you can use the same IAM role across multiple users.
user (role)
The ARN of the IAM role that controls your users’ access to your Amazon S3 bucket or EFS file system.
user (ssh_public_keys (date_imported))
The date that the public key was added to the user account.
user (ssh_public_keys (ssh_public_key_body))
The content of the SSH public key as specified by the PublicKeyId.
user (ssh_public_keys (ssh_public_key_id))
The SshPublicKeyId parameter contains the identifier of the public key.
user (tags)
Key-value pairs that can be used to group and search for users.
user (user_name)
The user name associated with a server as specified by the ServerId.


Ensure an user is available.

describe aws_transfer_user(server_id: "SERVER_ID", user_name: 'USER_NAME') do
  its('user_name') { should eq 'USER_NAME' }

Ensure that the server ID is available.

describe aws_transfer_user(server_id: "SERVER_ID", user_name: 'USER_NAME') do
    its('server_id') { should eq 'SERVER_ID' }


This Chef InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, see our Universal Matchers page.

The controls will pass if the describe method returns at least one result.


Use should to test that the entity exists.

describe aws_transfer_user(server_id: "SERVER_ID", user_name: 'USER_NAME') do
  it { should exist }

Use should_not to test the entity does not exist.

describe aws_transfer_user(server_id: "SERVER_ID", user_name: 'USER_NAME') do
  it { should_not exist }


Use should to check if the user is available.

describe aws_transfer_user(server_id: "SERVER_ID", user_name: 'USER_NAME') do
  it { should be_available }

AWS Permissions

Your Principal will need the Transfer:Client:DescribeUserResponse action with Effect set to Allow.

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